Tuesday, February 22, 2011

charlotte center for urban agriculture visioning workshop summary report

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

chicken tractor

Building a chicken tractor. The short and sweet version.

Build a 2" X 4" base that is 12' long X 8' wide.

Cattle panels attach to one side (hammer on U-shaped fasteners) and then bend over and attach to the other side. There are three panels used in this design, each 4' wide.

The extra cattle panel pieces are used to fashion end walls.

One end wall gets an access door. The entire chicken tractor gets covered in poultry mesh and all the connections are fastened with wire.

A tarp is added for sun/rain protection. The nesting box is attached. A rod is added for roosting and feeder and waterer are hung near the door and under the tarp.

Add chickens (these get to regularly wander outside on nice days).